Finding our way
Our "Walk with me talk with me" project for people living with dementia continues to provide a vibrant context for social inclusivity and integration.
This week 16 members of the public stopped to join in, to ask questions or in the case of two joggers - share our cake! People of all ages tried out our steam boat prototypes, shared their knowledge and their thoughts on our experiments, like us they shared the wonderful gift of being CURIOUS.
At no point was it necessary to mention that our group is for people living with dementia, we engaged people via our absorption in our "fieldwork "which as ever arose out of sharing thoughts and ideas.
This way of being part of the community, without labels, without explanation is what we hoped for when we set up Curiosity Cafe two years ago. It is a philosophy, a way of being.
As the song on the video says "Each one of us one of a kind". Here are comments from the group and passers by (aka honorary members of Curiosity Cafe)
- "Its unbelievable what we get up to"
- "What type of engineers are it a science project?"
- "We always have a mysterious selection of stuff"
- "A little project like this can be so involving"
- "I love it for myself"
- "It's like George Stephenson"
- "It's magic this"
- "What's brilliant is you give us an outline but everyone can find their own way"
“Finding your way is what we are all about ”