Who Are Dry Water?

Dry Water is a Not For Profit arts organisation run by professional artists Frances Anderson and Paula Turner.



FRANCES ANDERSON - Artist, Photographer, Filmmaker & Designer

Frances is an award winning visual artist who works across printmaking, film, textiles, photography, installations, kites and kinetic art and sculpture.

She is also a Channel swimmer, swimming the English Channel in 2008 and the Gibraltar Strait in 2015. Her swim experiences and relationship to water influence her work. Frances regularly exhibits her work in the UK as well as internationally and her work is held in private collections across the world.

Frances is also a member of the international artists collective Drachensyndikat who show their work internationally.



PAULA TURNER - Dance Artist -Improviser- Movement Enthusiast. Radical Geographer.

Paula loves moving (and being still sometimes!). She is a performer and teacher of dance improvisation, physical theatre and yoga. Playfully inviting people to move with confidence and ease, sourcing material from their own experiences and felt senses.

Paula is an independent dance artist, Leverhulme Artist, Churchill Fellow and visiting fellow at Newcastle University. She is also the artistic director of Grand Gestures Dance Collective who highlight the artistic qualities of the older dancer and especially the culturally disruptive tendencies of their dance work "Bringing dance as a means of social and political expression, we openly challenge the prevailing view of ageing in this country"

Paula regularly collaborates with artists and researchers from varied disciplines and social contexts and is increasingly interested in the co-construction, articulation and dissemination of research in relation to cultural value, health and well-being.

Having studied with many of the foremost practitioners of dance improvisation and somatics, Paula has in turn taught and performed in the UK, Europe Australia and the USA - always interested in the broadest implications of moving together and bringing about positive change.

Paula is now very happy and content to be in the mighty North East and is looking forward to the next part of the journey...

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Get a sense of how we work....

Now you know a bit more about us - get in touch, check out all the upcoming online classes events. Our aim continues to be to keep people connected and creative.