Feet + Friendship = Blending balance with beauty.

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( Photo credit: Maria Maza)

Our falls prevention dance programme…. is a thing of beauty.

A wonderful group meet each week with a firm focus on the art of moving together.

It is always a pleasure to meet the group and to find ways to blend balance with beauty.

The programme ( Falling on your Feet) has been something of a gift for me personally; a reminder of the every day possibility of change and the incredible transformations that can happen in body mind and soul when people connect.

Our Amble based programme is less about prevention and more about sensation and absorption in creativity and present awareness. The project is driven by the best kind of research namely self- enquiry which is central to the heart of any creative practice.

The group readily testify to how effective the programme is ,increasing confidence and improving balance . I have to say that they have really helped me to develop my practice.and understanding. Together we have found a way to practically explore what balance means in the broadest of contexts . A theme of finding common ground has become a strong metaphor for a lived experience each week where people with various physical , mental and social challenges find the shared ground of being . We are building an holistic awareness that is felt and experienced within and without, in how we move, how we talk together and most importantly how we include and accept everyone just as they are…no labels, no restrictions.


Like all quality arts projects there is so much more going on in and around the lovely folk who gather each week. We all enjoy just how good it feels to use our bodies, to realise our creative potential and our capacity for enjoyment and fun.

It’s far more then prevention………..its invention and discovery

We are making new positive experiences and friendships as we move together

And for those people who like a bit more practical /scientific/measurable proof that dancing really is good for you here it is .

One person in our group lives with Parkinson’s disease and since joining the dance group has not had one fall. Falling had been a regular daily occurrence but now confidence , self expression and an opportunity to socialise have led to a well balanced life. The Parkinson’s medical consultant said this

In the 20 years B has had Parkinson’s I have never seen him so happy,confident and physically able.” and its all linked to his new found love of dancing in a welcoming social setting

We think this is a cause for celebration. Let the dancing begin!!

Article by Paula Turner - Dance Artist and Co Director of Dry Water Arts